Follow-up Workshop: Counter-Smuggling Work Plan of the RCM

Counter-Smuggling Work Plan of the RCM
About the event: 


The workshop aims to provide follow-up on the actions agreed upon in the Work Plan of the Liaison Officers Network to Combat Migrant Smuggling and Trafficking in Persons of the Regional Conference on Migration, prioritizing those that are necessary to meet the objectives defined in this document.


This workshop is intended to provide a space for dialogue and exchange for the member countries of RCM, with the following specific objectives:

  • To share the advances each country is making in the fight against migrant smuggling which contribute to the accomplishment of the counter-smuggling Work Plan.
  • To identify priority actions in the Work Plan which should be implemented at the national and regional level in order to accomplish it.
  • To promote the exchange of best practices on the issue between different countries, with the goal of identifying those actions which could be adapted to other contextual spaces and which could have effective results within the objectives of the counter-smuggling Work Plan.
  • To promote collaboration and complementarity with other regional organizations that address the issue in some way (for example, the Regional Coalition against Human Trafficking and Migrant Smuggling; the Commission of Police Chiefs and Directors of Central America, Mexico, the Caribbean, and Colombia; the Ad-Hoc Working Group on Extra-Regional Migrants (RCM), etc.


Tuesday, June 4, 2019 to Wednesday, June 5, 2019
Mexico City
Secretariat of Foreign Affairs
Coordinating institution: 
Secretariat of Foreign Affairs
Coordinator of the event: 
Salim Ali Modad González
Work Plan: 
PDF icon Counter-Smuggling Work Plan 2019-2025639.18 KB


Administrador's picture

You can download the concept note from here.

You can download the presentations and work group matrices from here.